Most of the world is living indoors and working online. ‘Do it Yourself’ or DIY is the most searched term online these days. And ‘unprecedented times’ has become everyone’s favorite phrase.


While building new routines, picking up hobbies or finishing up pending work might seem worthwhile plans, the reality is that nothing about business and daily life is normal as we knew it even just a few weeks ago anymore. 


This is the time to be resilient, to find innovative ways to grow, and to step forward with courage and hope. 


What does it mean to be a hero brand?



A hero inspires with a ‘never give up’ attitude. A hero brand rises to challenges, displays tenacity and does something special that truly matters to others. 


And there cannot be a bigger global challenge than the one we are in the midst of right now. As an online business you have the possibility of staying in touch with your customers and keeping ‘business as usual’ to varying degrees. And there lies your hero power. 


Can you help other local businesses?



Look at this from a bigger lens. Take a wider view of your business situation at the moment. If you are able to provide the lead in helping other local businesses, do so. For example, can you bundle your product with another related online store’s product? Both businesses benefit by promoting each other’s products and enabling a wider community to know of them as well as buy from them. Similarly, you could promote community gift certificates or reach out to other merchants to build combined loyalty programs. Lend a hand and ultimately help yourself too. 


You could also support or praise local community heroes who are doing inspiring things during these challenging times. Give them a voice and build a community of inspiration around your brand. 


Are you keeping in touch with daily changing consumer behavior during this time? 



All organizations are impacted by COVID-19. To be helpful to your customers in these fluctuating moments, you must stay relevant and useful to them. As people distance themselves, they find new concerns and new needs that evolve. Acknowledge and empathise with their new reality and help them forge new connections, discover new communities or products. Reinforce your support and provide them with updated information that is credible and relevant. And be flexible with cancellations and refunds; to any extent possible; while explaining your situation to customers as well. 


Explore new connections and nurture customer relationships



Customer service takes a front seat now. Whether locally or globally; continue to look for ways to connect to all your customers. Can your brand build or share customer experiences virtually? Consider that. Use data analytics from your website to see when your customers visit your website and start to adjust your messaging according to the new routine times. It helps to put out more content now. 


Keep your customers updated 



Your operations, supply chain, delivery schedule or any number of business aspects could be impacted as well. Communicate honestly and clearly with your customers so you keep your message credible through this time. Remember to regularly update your blogs, social media accounts, and website pages so that the latest information is reflected. 


Look after yourself


Strategies to improve FB efficacy


You are responsible for your own success. So give yourself a chance to step back from feeling anxious or isolated. Build a routine for yourself that includes time for meditation and a simple workout. Stay connected and inspired virtually.  If anything, you know the whole world is in this together. And we’ll all rise again!

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