Innovative Business Ideas out there right now!
When you first considered opening a business – what were your initial thoughts? Did you think you would be in a draughty warehouse surrounded by boxes & fulfilling orders or standing in a shop chatting with your customers face to face? These are both obviously still options for the entrepreneur or business owner of today, but alternatively – opening up an online store with all of the new technology available gives you so much more in the way of options. Anybody can start up and run a business nowadays with very little or no cost. An online business could prove an ideal scenario for someone with financial constraints, who does not have the capital to invest or a younger person straight out of education and eager to get started!
Fortunately, being a business owner and entrepreneur is still possible online and there are many unique business ideas that be adapted to a successful online business.

List of top most innovative and successful business ideas for an online startup:
Social Media Coaching or Training
An online business need not be all about selling a physical product. If you have a service that you can offer and you have a talent for it, then turn your skill into a business. If you are savvy in Social Media Skills consider teaching how to use your digital skills to stay relevant to other small businesses. Many small business owners realize that employing a digital marketer, copywriter or blogger is a costly business but by employing a coach or trainer in social media they can include this and determine the best tactics and optimum posting schedules for their business. If you are able to stay on top of all the social media trends and know how to target the largest audiences – share your knowledge and grow your online business.

Fast Food
No, not as we used to know it – but Fast Food that is Healthy has taken center stage! There’s a new foodie revolution sweeping the world and it has no place for burgers, tacos, and greasy food. Customers following a new healthy lifestyle want access to healthy nutritious food. Juices and Smoothies are also a really popular choice right now. If you are a whizz in the kitchen and have a natural ability to throw together a healthy, delicious meal – this innovative business idea could be the venture for you.

Pet Food
Another food offshoot! Pet owners are becoming increasingly fussy over what their furry friends are eating! And rightly so, cheap food can make your pet sick or even have more unfortunate and lasting consequences. Online stores offering a healthy alternative are booming right now. Customers appreciate healthily made or raw food for their pet, that also has the convenience of being delivered right to their door. Many variations of this type of online business exist and there will always be a requirement for it!

Eco Consulting
Green consulting has seen a rise in popularity as large companies become aware of the benefits of going green and reducing their carbon footprint. Sustainability is relatively new and was not taught in schools 5-10 years ago so many company directors are not aware or even know where to start. Going green as a Company, could reduce costs and liabilities and encourage employee retention & morale. There are countless areas within this demographic to choose a specialty that you are most interested in and set up your online consulting business.

SEO Consultant
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can have a huge impact on a business – everyone wants their site to be the number one spot on Google – but most small business owners just do not know where to start. If you have an interest in analytics and know your stuff when it comes to search engines this could be for you. Business owners have a need for someone to be able to read and use their data to improve and grow their business. To be able to educate business owners in the powers of SEO – how to use correct keywords and structure content to increase traffic to their website – you could help to turn dying businesses into profitable, prosperous ones in a matter of months and be in high demand!

Translation Services
The internet has been instrumental in companies starting to ‘Go Global’ and this demographic is only set to expand. As businesses move and trade in various countries, the need to adapt their websites, documents and marketing materials becomes all important. Dual lingual translators must be able to immerse a company directly into the culture and also use the linguistic traits of that region.

Custom Drone Builder
A new and rising phenomenon – drones are set to become ever more popular. Since a teenager won $250,000 in Dubai’s World Drone Prix interest has been soaring in this new sport. If you are a professional drone racer – you will require the services of a professional drone builder! If you have the technical mind and interest in this sport – would you consider making this your next career move?

Handmade Goods
Take a look at the success of Etsy…..if you are a crafty type person there is a huge market out there waiting for you. Use your online store to sell your home-made products and build up your business by using best online website builder. Many sellers often go on to expand the platform and to create their own brands.
Whatever your idea, product or concept – give it your best shot and start earning from it now!