In fact, it is the most important page on your online store- right after your homepage. It can help you woo potential customers and charm existing ones; both of which are valuable outcomes for a digital business. So you must pay attention to getting it right.


Your ‘About Us’ page is your introduction to a customer. This is a unique advantage for online businesses; a chance to show your human side, shine a light on what makes you you, and build a rapport with customers.   


Why do they visit your About Us page?



Let’s start by understanding why customers visit your ‘About Us’ page in the first place.  

There could be a number of reasons obviously; of which the topmost are- 


  •  They are looking to get an idea about how well you know what you’re doing. Have you been around long in your current market? Have you experienced and engaged with related pitfalls, challenges yourself? Do you have an expert understanding of the solutions your products or services offer? Let site visitors know!


  • They are also looking for your ‘personality’. Does your focus on sustainability appeal to them? Or does your lighthearted tone resonate? Are you more ‘classic’ or ‘contemporary’ in your approach? Remember, your target audience will want to relate to it. So show some personality here


What are they expecting?  



Customers want information delivered in a clear, authentic, and transparent manner. And they want what they find there to be reliable. For instance, they could be looking you up to apply for a job with your company. In that case, if you illustrate a lighthearted approach and contemporary language in your ‘About Us’ page, they are building an image about the culture around your company’s office, and they expect that to be a somewhat reliable understanding.    


In addition, they want the information to be made available in a way that is easy to understand. 

For the best ways to make a charming impression here-  


  • Steer clear of corporate jargon and you will make your message shine clearer. Jargon and very technical terms put off most visitors on your ‘About Us’ page. 


  • Adopt a storytelling approach. Caution – don’t tell long drawn boring stories! Make them smart, sharp, interesting and relevant. 


  • Use photos that are candid and well shot. Don’t use stock photos here! Looking good or not are secondary as well on this page. A candid photo builds trust like few other details can. And that is the primary goal. 


  • Incorporate some reviews that are unbiased and don’t sound sales-y. This is not the place to make a sale. Use it to build and bolster the image of your company instead. 


  • Include information on how to contact you. If customers are relating to you, then they will want to believe you are accessible as well. That forms a more immediate connection and has the potential to become a longer term relationship. If possible, offer multiple channels for contacting here including your social media channels, live chat, or any other way you are regularly accessible. 


  • Include navigation to your home page, your product page, or to some other call-to-action button 


Build interest, build your image, build trust 


Think of your ‘About Us’ page as your elevator speech or your speed dating script. You really have only a few precious seconds to attract your visitor. And remember, people are constantly expecting more!

Here’s a recap of the key points for building a great ‘About Us’ page- 


Don’t use corporate jargon

Adopt a storytelling approach to your writing here 

Use candid and high-res photos 

Incorporate real balanced reviews

Include a call to action and your contact details clearly. 


There! Pay attention to these and you will use the power of your ‘About Us’ page to stand out from the crowd, inspire trust and reassure your customers. It really does play a vital role in building the reputation of your online business. 


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